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IT Sharks has many high quality courses available across 12 distinct categories. All our courses are self-paced and have been designed by subject matter experts, to give you an interactive and enriched learning experience.Depending on your learning goal, which help you focus your learning to provide you with specific expertise in your field or industry.

Basics computer / Office and Scratch For Kids
Software Development

Basics computer / Office and Scratch For Kids

Part 1:- Basics Computer and Office For Kids

Introduction to Computers

• What is a computer?.
• Parts of a computer (monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU).
• Basic computer terminology hardware, software, operating system) Windows, Mac OS, Linux).
• Basic features and functions of an operating system ( file management, taskbar, desktop icons).
• Using a Mouse and Keyboard.
• Basic mouse and keyboard skills (e clicking, double-clicking, right-clicking, typing).
• Keyboard shortcuts.
• Internet and Web Browsers.
• (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

What is word processing?.

• Basic features of a word processing program ( Microsoft Word).
• Creating and formatting documents (changing font size, adding images, inserting tables).
• Saving and printing documents.

What is a spreadsheet?.

• Basic features of a spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel).
• Creating and formatting spreadsheets ( entering data, using formulas, creating charts).
• Saving and printing spreadsheets.

What is a presentation?.

• Basic features of a presentation program (Microsoft PowerPoint).
• Creating and formatting slides (adding text, images, and animations).
• Final Project.

Part 2:- Introduction to Scratch

Scratch GUI


• Select among the characters in your project -- or tap the plus sign to add a new one. Once a character is selected, you can edit its scripts, tap its name to rename it, or tap the paintbrush to edit its image. To delete a character, press and hold it. To copy a character to another page, drag it to the page thumbnail.

Green flag

• Start all programming scripts that begin with a "Start on Green Flag" block by tapping here.


• This is where you connect programming blocks to create scripts.


• This is where the action takes place in the project. To delete a character, press and hold it..

Presentation Mode

• Expand the stage to the full screen.

Programming Script

• Snap blocks together to make a programming script, telling the character what to do. Tap anywhere on a script to make it run. To delete a block or script, drag it outside the programming area. To copy a block or script from one character to another, drag it onto the character's thumbnail..


• Toggle on (and off) the x-y coordinate grid.


• This is the menu of programming blocks. Drag a block into the programming area, then tap on it to see what it does.

Programming fundamentals

How to make order

Lab:Moving spirit

How to save workspace

• Save the current project and exit to the Home page.

Change Background

• Select or create a background image for the stage..

Repetition block

How to draw Polygon

Multiple spirits

Lab:Under water

Numbers challenge

Decision making


City challenge

Basket challenge


Sounds challenge

Farm challenge

Choose Graduation Project


Define math laws

Discussion of Graduation Project

Draw Polygon

• Learning how to draw a shape using extension pen.

Under Water

• Using multiple spirits to simulate life under water, moving spirits, coloring,up spirits

Numbers Challenge

• Using audio to spell out a random numbers that displayed.

City Challenge

• Using variables and decision making to make a spirits to walk through city.

Basket Challenge

• Using multiple spirits one of them playing as opponent and control the other one through mouse and keyboard.

Sounds challenge

• Using internal mic to give an order to spirits and make accomplish that order.

Farm Challenge

• Using more than one spirit in a farm
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Short Description

Duration: 30 Hours

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