
Mobile App

IT Sharks has many high quality courses available across 12 distinct categories. All our courses are self-paced and have been designed by subject matter experts, to give you an interactive and enriched learning experience.Depending on your learning goal, which help you focus your learning to provide you with specific expertise in your field or industry.

Diploma Flutter
Mobile Apps

Diploma Flutter

Basics of Programming & OOP Revision (3 Lectures)

Concepts of Dart

- What's Dart?
- Variables
- Comments
- Data Types
- Const & Final keywords
- Installing dart plugin
- User input
- Math operations
- If / Switch / logical operators / conditional operator
- Loops
- Arrays and Lists
- Error handling
- Casting
- Functions
- Optional parameters

OOP Concepts

- Intro to OOP
- Classes
- Objects
- Members & Methods
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction

Async Programming

- Timers and callbacks
- Futures
- Async & Await

Workshop 1

Flutter Setup Environment

- Installing IDE & flutter plugin
- Flutter environment
- Important files
- Running sample app
- Adding packages


- Stateless & State full widgets
- Separating resources (colors and strings)
- Scaffold
- Container
- Text
- TextField & TextEditingControllers
- Padding
- Buttons
- Images
- Visibility
- Layouts (Row, column, stack)
- Expanded
- Card
- Listview
- Material App (App bar, drawer, bottom navbar)
- Forms & Data validation
- Feedback (Snackbars)
- Alert dialog

State Management

- What is a widget state?
- Initializing state
- Setting state
- Loading


- Navigate to a new screen and backc
- Navigate with named routes
- Send data to a new screen
- Pass arguments to a named route
- Return data from a screen
- Animating a widget across screens


- HTTP requests
- Casting JSON to model instances
- Fetch and display data

Workshop 2


- Reactive programming
- Streams & Sinks
- Stream builder widget
- Stream subscription
- BLOC pattern
- UI, Bloc & API communication

Offline Storage

- Shared preference
- SQLite


- Implicit animations
- Hero animations
- Staggered animations


- Authentication
- Firestore
- Storage
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Messaging

Workshop 3

Build real applications

- Todo List
- Chat
- Products catalogue
- Shopping Cart

Advanced Topics

- Assets
- Slivers
- Gestures
- Themes
- Splash screens
- Responsive UI
- Internationalization
- Google Maps

Building ChatGPT App With Flutter

- Defining API inside FlutterFlow
- App UI Overview
- Chat Bubbles
- Prompt Field
- Building Chat Bubbles
- Adding Prompt Field
- Connecting with API

Publish your app

- Adding a launcher icon
- Signing the app
- R8
- Reviewing the app manifest
- Reviewing the build configuration
- Building the app for release
- Publishing to the Google Play Store
- Updating the app’s version number

Workshop 4

Final Project

Short Description

Duration 100 Hours

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