Programming Languages Overview
- Language of a Computer
- Evolution of Programming Languages
- Processing C++ Program
Basic program of C++
- Libraries
- Keywords
- Namespaces
- Data Types
- Variables
- Arithmetic Operators
- Casting
- Assignment and Input Statements
Input/Output in C++
- I/O Streams
- Predefined Functions
- Output Formatting
- Input Formatting
Control Structures | (Selection)
- Relational Operators
- Logical Expressions
- IF/IF…else
- Switch Cases
- Block Statements
Control Structures || (Repetition)
- while Looping
- for Loop
- do…while
- Foreach
Control Structures ||| (Jumping)
- Break
- Continue
- Built in Function
- User-Defined Functions
- Value-Returning Functions
- Return Statements
- Call by Value
- Call by Reference
- Call by Address
- Recursion Functions & Iteration Functions
- Parameters
- Overloading
- One-Dimensional Array
- Indexing
- Array Searching & Sort
- Multidimensional Arrays
Workshop 1
- Accessing struct Members
- I/O structs
- Structs with function
- Arrays vs Structs
- Pointer data types
- Address of Operator (&)
- Pointer Variables
- Null Pointers
- Array of Pointers
- Dynamic Arrays
- Pointer with struct
- Passing Pointers to Functions
- Return Pointer from Functions
- Memory allocation
Exception Handling
- Throwing Exceptions
- try/catch
- Opening a File
- Closing a File
- Write in file & Read from file
Workshop 2
OOP Concept & UML Diagram
- UML Notaions
- Case Study about class diagram & Use Case
- Class Scope
- Object Declaration
- Data Abstraction and Types
- Struct vs Class
- Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstract Class & Interface
Workshop 3
- Searching and Sorting
- List Processing
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
- Binary Search
- Sequentail Search
Data Structures (Stacks)
- Stack Operations
- Stacks as Arrays
- Linked Stack Implementation
Data Structures (Queues)
- Queue Operations
- Queue Simulation
Data Structures (List)
- Building a Linked List
- Deletion
- List Retrieval
- Doubly Linked List
Workshop 4
Database Concepts
- Database Design
- How to create table
- Insert Row Data in table
- Update Row Data in table
- Delete Row Data in table
- Select Row Data in table
- Join between two or more tables
Workshop 5
Final Proect