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IT Sharks has many high quality courses available across 12 distinct categories. All our courses are self-paced and have been designed by subject matter experts, to give you an interactive and enriched learning experience.Depending on your learning goal, which help you focus your learning to provide you with specific expertise in your field or industry.


Programming Languages Overview

- Language of a Computer
- Evolution of Programming Languages
- Processing C++ Program

Basic program of C++

- Libraries
- Keywords
- Namespaces
- Data Types
- Variables
- Arithmetic Operators
- Casting
- Assignment and Input Statements

Input/Output in C++

- I/O Streams
- Predefined Functions
- Output Formatting
- Input Formatting

Control Structures | (Selection)

- Relational Operators
- Logical Expressions
- IF/IF…else
- Switch Cases
- Block Statements

Control Structures || (Repetition)

- while Looping
- for Loop
- do…while
- Foreach

Control Structures ||| (Jumping)

- Break
- Continue


- Built in Function
- User-Defined Functions
- Value-Returning Functions
- Return Statements
- Call by Value
- Call by Reference
- Call by Address
- Recursion Functions & Iteration Functions
- Parameters
- Overloading


- One-Dimensional Array
- Indexing
- Array Searching & Sort
- Multidimensional Arrays

Workshop 1


- Accessing struct Members
- I/O structs
- Structs with function
- Arrays vs Structs


- Pointer data types
- Address of Operator (&)
- Pointer Variables
- Null Pointers
- Array of Pointers
- Dynamic Arrays
- Pointer with struct
- Passing Pointers to Functions
- Return Pointer from Functions
- Memory allocation

Exception Handling

- Throwing Exceptions
- try/catch


- Opening a File
- Closing a File
- Write in file & Read from file

Workshop 2

OOP Concept & UML Diagram

- UML Notaions
- Case Study about class diagram & Use Case
- Class Scope
- Object Declaration
- Data Abstraction and Types
- Struct vs Class
- Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstract Class & Interface

Workshop 3


- Searching and Sorting
- List Processing
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
- Binary Search
- Sequentail Search

Data Structures (Stacks)

- Stack Operations
- Stacks as Arrays
- Linked Stack Implementation

Data Structures (Queues)

- Queue Operations
- Queue Simulation

Data Structures (List)

- Building a Linked List
- Deletion
- List Retrieval
- Doubly Linked List

Workshop 4

Database Concepts

- Database Design
- How to create table
- Insert Row Data in table
- Update Row Data in table
- Delete Row Data in table
- Select Row Data in table
- Join between two or more tables

Workshop 5

Final Proect

Short Description

Duration: 100 Hours

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  • Email info@itsharks.co


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